Praxiling is a Joint Research Unit (UMR 5267) affiliated to Paul-Valéry Montpellier 3 University and the CNRS ( Language is perceived as a social practice. Praxiling considers discourse in authentic situations through interacting subjects, linked to praxis and are, themselves, praxis. This conception of discourse forms the basis for analysis of linguistic processes and dynamics developed in the laboratory. The Unit is part of the InSHS, and is composed of CNRS staff, researchers and teacher-researchers working mainly in CNRS Section 34 (Languages, language, discourse) and CNU 07 (Language sciences: general linguistics and phonetics). As part of Praxiling’s research, a transversal strand focuses on tool-based corpus linguistics, natural language processing, with a special emphasis on contemporary practices in digital textuality (discourse analysis from SMS, forums, tweets, instant messaging, etc.).

Project participant: Francesca Frontini.