“Land, environment, remote sensing and spatial information” Joint Research Unit (AgroParisTech – Irstea – Cirad (International Cooperation Centre for Agricultural Development Research)) is located in Montpellier (Remote Sensing Centre and Baillarguet site). Some researchers are assigned to offshore positions at partnering institutions. The Remote Sensing Centre, within the Agropolis research/training complex is also hosting an IRD (Institute for Research and Development) research unit (ESPACE-DEV JRU): it consists of a European-sized applied research centre for spatial methods, remote detection and geographic information for the environment, agriculture and land use.

The TETIS Joint Research Unit conducts methodological research concerning the management of spatial information. It uses an integrated approach of the spatial information chain, beginning with its acquisition (especially by satellite remote detection) and including its processing, management and use by stakeholders.This research is divided amongst 4 teams and focuses on its parent organisations’ fields of interest: agriculture, environment, resources, land, health, risks, etc.

Project participants: Mathieu Roche, Lucile Sautot, Maguelonne Teisseire.
